Tony Fang is a full professor and the Stephen Jarislowsky Chair at Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is also the J. Robert Beyster Faculty Fellow at Rutgers University and sits on a World Bank's Expert Advisory Committee on Migration and Development. Previously he taught at York University in Toronto, I. H. Asper School of Business at University of Manitoba and Monash Business School in Melbourne, Australia. He served as the President of the Chinese Economists Society (2012-13) and was a visiting professor at Harvard University, NBER, and Wharton School of Business. Professor Fang received a PhD in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management from the University of Toronto. He has published in leading economics and management journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of World Business, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Public Policy, The World Economy, China Economic Review, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (Cornell), Industrial Relations (Berkeley), British Journal of Industrial Relations (LSE), and Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations. He has also received 15 research awards from SSHRC and five research grants HRSDC, totaling $4 million.